Understanding the conduction system | Using light switches as analogy!

Components of the conduction system The components that makes up the conduction system includes the pacemaker of the heart, also…

By Dr Ying Gue

UK Medical Training - From medical school to consultant

Foundation Training Let me start with an overview of how the medical training system works in the UK currently…

By Dr Ying Gue

Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology

The heart is a major component of the cardiovascular system and plays a vital role in pumping blood throughout the…

By Dr Ying Gue

Mental Health Wellbeing Tips | Mental Health Awareness Week

Since 2001, the Mental Health Foundation, a UK charity focused on improving mental health, have been organising a Mental Health…

By Dr Ying Gue

Understanding the Heart

The heart is one of the many organs in our body. It is like a house separated by the septum…

By Dr Ying Gue